Country of origin: India
Subject: Quantum Physics, Engineering and Nanotechnology
Matriculation year: 2023
A brief introduction about my intended research:
The aim of my research is to develop an ultrasensitive photo-acoustic (PA) sensing system for cancer detection using the principles of photonics and quantum physics (nano-/femto-second lasers), nanotechnology (fabrication of NEMS transducer, morphological analysis – FESEM, Raman, PL, XRD, FTIR, TCSPC etc.) and opto-electronic engineering (optical-electronic integrated sensor).
Usage of contrast agents - both endogenous (chromophores that are capable of generating PA signals, hypoxic regions, melanocytes etc.) and exogenous (metallic nanostructures, CNTs, fluorophores etc.) in combination with the sensing setup for detection of cancers (primary tumours, CTCs, and lymph nodes for cancer cell metasis) will be investigated using the system.
During my Bachelor’s (Electronics Engineering), I developed an interest in Material Science which pushed me to join the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Jamia Millia Islamia under the supervision of the then Director, Prof. S. S. Islam. By the end of my final year, I had used nanofabrication techniques to make nanowires, nano wafers and exfoliated nanosheets (using Si, GaAs and TMDCs) for optoelectronic sensing. I was introduced to laser spectroscopy while investigating morphological features and I took an immediate interest to Photonics. I joined the Mechatronics Lab for my Master’s in IIT Madras under the supervision of the then Dean, Prof. Nilesh Vasa. They were working with nanosecond lasers and photon-matter interaction. During this time, we developed setups for sub-ppm detection of molecules and biomarkers using various spectroscopic techniques (PAS and QEPAS using supercontinuum lasers). Prof. Vasa and his lab had previously collaborated with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and LEOS (Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems) to produce the LIBS part of Chandrayaan 3 (India’s Moon Lander). This was done back in 2008 which after years of research bore fruit in 2023, successfully landing the Moon rover on Moon’s South Pole (making India the first country to do so) and looking for trace amount of gases using laser systems. Getting to work under the supervision and in company of professors and scholars responsible for such a groundbreaking milestone in our country’s history brings me immense pride. Being a part of the lab and contributing important outputs through my work gives me confidence to continue my research in inter-disciplinary fields. My work involved sensitive detection of gas molecules which not only finds application in biomedicine but also in areas related to safety, and security of industries (even biogas plants!).
Currently, my PhD research at Trinity, University of Cambridge revolves around developing photonic sensors for cancer diagnosis under the distinguished supervision of Prof. Ashwin Seshia. I am inspired to work diligently toward producing constructive outputs that will add to the ongoing research in the university, and most importantly, be of benefit to society.